Monday, March 17, 2008

The brides father

The brides father is very easy to spot
He is armed with a zoli full of photographs of his grown up daughter in every pose
In a saree, chanya choli punjabi suitskirt blouse , and more
His shoes are all worn out just like his face
He is humble and soft spoken most of the days
He bends and bows as he hands out to everybody
His daughters computerized horoscope with kundali
With a father of the bride laugh and cough
He introduces the topic in every coffee bar
He prefers someone from his own caste he says,
If not found, at least same religion is a must
Meanwhile biological clock of bride is ticking away
With each passing month to everyones dismay
All are worried and decide to drop the religion clause
And just settle for any person who will marry her fast.
Her account is going down real quick
With every case of rejected match she's kicked
They decide it is futile in this day and age
To insist on horoscope make it optional, just in case
There's a boy somewhere ready for a show
Even though it means settling for a shadow
Lets go check out his family and background
And negotiate the terms before the holy vows
it seems that the groom's brother doesn't like girl
But groom's father will decide if dowry terms agree
Grapevine has it that his mom is keen for bahu(nok)rani
And the sister is eager to have a friend so it all ends well
It's time to budget the money for the wedding
Grooms family wants lavish extravagant spending
Gifts for the fifty friends shirts for all the grooms men
Sarees for elderly relatives and pantsuits for women
All expenses for the wedding to be paid in cash
Three meals per day for two hundred guests
A fridge, plasma TV, A car and 20 tolas of gold
Its agreed bring out the sweets and lo and behold
The big fat Indian wedding begins in earnest
The mehendi, the dhols, the barats and dances
Everything is captured on videos and filmi sets
Next year sister wants an even bigger farce.

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