Monday, March 17, 2008

The grinn of cheshire cat :)

Tarzen the jungle boy was caught in the deep forest where he had grown among the wild beasts. He had no contact with civilization at all.
Naturally they took him to the lab to civilize him and teach him language, religion and morality.He soon grew fond of his teacher, Jane by way of pure animal instinct .
To everyones amazement, Tarzen spent hours at a time in front of TV. He especially liked to watch bollywood dances. They seemed to call out to the animal in him.
So Jane decided to use films as her medium of instruction. And what better way to educate a person then start them off with the cartoon network ? So there Tarzen was, watching the best of disney cartoons. He really got involved in Alice in Wonderland, and could never sit in one place while watching it. He tumbled and cartwheeled and climbed on to the fan and tried to immitate the animals he saw there.Till he met the Cheshire cats grin.
Try as he might he could not vanish and reappear and that drove him nuts. So he decided to study the books. He wanted to become wise. He wanted to learn the vanishing trick, in order to escape back to his beloved jungle. One by one he studied history geography maths, till he came to moral science.
He could not understand how it was OK to kill the infidels, ie those who do not think like you.He could not understand how GOD told one group of people to go and kill another group of people and loot and plunder and rape in GOD's name
He could not understand why the people needed any holy priests to stand between and deny entry to GOD's presence just like the receptionist in the front office who kept him away from meeting the visitors.
Suddenly he saw the... grinn followed by the cheshire cat! Tarzen leaped up and caught the purple cat. which promptly vanished, plastering his big grinn on the walls.
They are all the same said the grinn :)
OM : chant the Hindus
Amen: chant the Christians
Ameen: chant the Muslims
OM, Amen , Ameen ..
All are the same. Different strokes, different times, different places, different ways of survival in a difficult world. And as for you Tarzen. just open the door walk out and keep walking.
Eventually you will get there.
Suddenly the door opened and the Cheshire cat walked out with his tail in the air.!..:) He knew that Tarzen would leap out after him.

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