Monday, March 17, 2008

tell me why

Tell me why?
Uncle uncle , please tell me why ?
Why the sky is blue? and red and pink and golden too?
Why do birds have beaks, and fish have gills?
Do crocodiles cry, can ostrich fly?
Did giants exist ,do you beleive in ghosts?
Why do volcanoes errupt, do continents really float ?
Why we first see lightning before hearing the thunder?
Why does cats hair stand on end if you brush and comb?
Why do big ships float when a little stone sinks?
He knew all the answers and never shooed us awayWe called him "encyclopedia uncle" in those golden days.
Imagine my surprise when I met his daughter one day. After fondly asking about him, she coldly informed me"My dad and I are not on talking terms any more."
On further investigation she seemed disgusted that Mr know all had no knowledge at all
Of the inside workings of a daughter's heart.
"He constantly declared that all men are equal
Quoted Plato,Aristotle and Abrahm Lincoln.
But in his heart he still beleived in unequality
And come time to make a will he gave everything
To the boys who will carry on his family name "
"Us sisters he completely ignored and trashed
What is the use of being a daughter to such a man
Who says boys and girls are equal in every way
but boys are more equal than girls in matters of wealth and inheritance
When you ask him to please "Tell Me Why?
A boy is superior to a girl in this day and age!"
He justifies his behavior by declaring
"I am helpless victim of many thousands of years
Of teachings engraved in my genes (wtf?)
From the days of Manu who said that
I dont give any rights whatsoever to women."
"What is the use of knowledge and enlightenment
If you dont have courage to practice what you preach.
When you dont dare walk the walk,
Why talk the talk... So lets move on to some other pleasant things."

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