Monday, March 17, 2008

Long lost twins

Bunty and Binny were non related twins.They shared the same birthday and the same playgroup when they were little babies. Then Binny's parents decided to move to the US and she was seperated from her little pal.
For some strange reason they met again as teenagers. Binny had gone to India for summer vacation.There was an instant chemistry and they just clicked together as if they had never been apart. Magical, like long lost twins in the kumbh mela.They were both going to turn 16 soon.
"Lets see what Binny is upto " thought Bunty.He made a phone call to surprise her.And surprised she was. Because the phone rang at 2 O 'clock in the night. Really annoyed at the caller she yelled " Hey whats up? Is it like a real emergency or something?
"Bunty was amused. "Binny there is no emergency, this is Bunty here!"
"Go to sleep Bunts call me tomorrow ok?"
"Binny I just want to know how you are celebrating your sweet sixteenth birthday ""OMG! Am I 16 already? I am really OLD! Gosh!"
This shocked her out of her sleep and she switched on the light."Bunty, stupid you woke me up in the middle of the night! "
"Sorry Binny!""Oh Bunty love, Is it really you?" she was fully awake by now.
"Yes Binny! Just me! Oops I forgot its night over there. Shall I disconnect?"
"NO no. please continue .Whats up? ""Nothing""You better have a good reason to wake me up. Actually I had just fallen asleep half an hour back."
"Partying big time huh?" Bunty was worried.
"No stupid studying calculus and geometry and biology.No time to do physics tonight"
"Same problem here. I have school homework and then class homework.I am dead man walking. Which classes have you joined?"
"What do you mean classes?" Binny was puzzled.
"Classes for maths and science yaar.I go to three different ones. But they are really good. They explain everything nicely. And tell you the most likely questions. I am constantly solving problems . It has given me a lot of confidence.Last years batch all got 95% marks."
"Well lucky you. We dont have any classes here. And no cheat sheets and most likely questions either.I have to struggle all by myself on the assignments."
"Poor girl! "cried Bunty."Well then what do you do after school?"
"I rush back home and go to work at the Home Depot four times a week and the remaining two times a week I go to the retirement home and volunteer"
"Why do you have to volunteer yaar? Is there some old buddha maroying line on ya?" Bunty managed a weak smile at his end.
"I have to volunteer in order to earn my high school diploma, you idiot..And they are so sweet at the retirement home, I just love them.They are spoiling me with love."
Bini is wasting her time with old people" thought Bunty. He was even more puzzeled about the 4 days a week work at the Home Depot part.
"What did you say you do at the Home Depot? I heard worked!"
"I work for a living like everyone else. All my friends are into jobs and so I took one also. I will save some money and not end up with high student loans" replied Binny.
"But why do you have to work? Have your parents lost their minds to send you to work. You are not even 16 years old. yet.You are a child!"
"Yo but its OK . If you are almost 16 and doing well in school most of the stores will hire you"
"But what is the NEED to work" blurted Bunty. "If you were in India, there would be no question of you going and working."His agony was unmistakable.
"Ya but I am in US and here everyone works and becomes independent " At least all my friends do. And those who dont take their life seriously end up inrave parties and drugs or teenage pregnancies,or worst" she was getting upset about Bunty's attitude.
"OK baba dont fight. Its a good thing you are becoming a responsible girl."said Bunty."But what are your plans for your birthday ?"
"First you tell me what are you doing?"
"I am going to get an electric guitar and become a rock star!" declared Bunty.
"ha ha ha ha" They both had to laugh at this ."And then I will give my room a complete new look!"
"What are you going to do Bunty?" Binny remembered all the different ways of room makeover that she had learnt at the Home Depot.
"I am not going to do anything yaar. My mom and dad and the painters will decide what to do."
"Why would they do that?" now Binny was really surprised."Do what?"
"Paint your room" "Excuse me??"
"Its your room isn't it.?"Binny demanded an angry explanation.
"Ya, so.?" "Wonder whats this female is so upset about ?" wondered Bunty.
"So Why Dont You Paint it Yourself ?" Binny exploded.
"Are you mad Binny? Why will I paint my own room?"
"Because its your room, and no one else has the right to touch it!" Binnys final answer surprised him even more.
"Binny dear girl, this is India. Here we dont have to paint our own rooms. We have painters come in and do the job for us.Understand? Why would I even want to paint my own room?" Bunty burst out laughing.
"Well Mr So and So I painted my own room last month. It was too baby pink. And the beige paint was on sale at the Home Depot. So I just got two cans, and painted my own room. A fine job I have done too"Binny boasted loftily.
"OK Binny, you paint the house, you work, you volunteer, you struggle all by yourself with no help on calculus, you have no life there. Why dont you join the Indian universities and come have fun over here?" Bunty was full of compassion.
"I am having FUN here too. I am getting my driving licence as soon as I turn 16 ! Then I will have a real life. My parents wont have to drive me around anymore!' declared Binny. YippeeeIn her mind she was behind the wheels of a used BMW, definetly a red convertable . She was zooming down the highway with complete ease and confidence.
Soon she was going to be moving out of her parents house and begin a new life on her own. And she was going to do everything by herself. Change the light bulbs, install her wireless network,paint the house, do the plumbing, take the car to work, change the tires,mow the lawn, shovel the snow and do well in university. She was determined to get a scholarship, and be financially independent.
"I cant hear you Binny.Are you there?"Bunty's voice drifted from a far away land
"I am not there bunty" she whispered and disconnected the phone.

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