Monday, March 17, 2008

My dad is better than your dad

I had gone to Juhu beach to look at the setting sun when I saw two kids in an animated debate.I sat down near them and pretended to look at the setting sun.
"My dad killed 3 cockroaches and 4 mosquitoes yesterday night"
"Thats nothing. Mine killed 5 cockroaches 10 mosquitoes and 2 rats last night."Really? Wonder what other creatures dads hunt at night They dug furiously in the sand and each tried to build a bigger sand dome.
"My dad's office is in the tallest building in mumbai.He goes on the terrace and flies kites in the air!"
"My dad's office is in the tallest building in the India. He goes on the terrace and flies a string of 10 kites at the same time!"
"Huh? But my dads office is moving next year to new tallest building in the whole world"
"My dad 's office is going to move to the international space station' Will the dads still be flying kites from those vantage points I wondered
While digging the first boy found some old rusted coin in the sand."Look what I found !" he shouted in excitement.. Clearly the tables had turned.
"Show me !"said the other and snatched the prize.Then there was nothing but violence. Arms and legs, fists and punches, tugging of clothes and tearing of buttons, Accompanied by blood curdling yells. The purpose of this exercise seemed to be sitting on top of the opponenets stomach and punching him in the face as hard as you can.
"Bam""Wham""dhushum" "smack" remember the old comic books?After they had rolled in the sand and given each other the physical for about five mins, someone in high command yelled in the background " Stop Fighting at once!"
Another shrill female voice erupted "Nak me dam kar rakha hein. Jab dekho fighting."
Obviously Those were the " insignificant moms ! " out there. Never to be ignored and always to be obeyed.The two boys cooled down in a flash They each had sand in the hair, in the shirt pockets, in the mouth and God alone knew where and where else..The coin was lost in the fight but it had given them another topic for verbal wrestling.
"My dad is richer than your dad!"
"Oh yeah? My dad earns more money than anyone else in the world."
"No wonder Indians feature regularly in the fortune 500 worlds richest lists."I thought to myself but was totally not prepared for what came next.
"My dad earns three petis full of black money every month"
"Huh? Mine earns 5 khokas full of black money every week"
"My dad has a sackful of gold buscuits and diamonds"
"Mine has a truck load of gold buscuits and diamonds "
"Childish imagination or childish exageration?"
Gone are the days of innocent kids blissfully unaware of the finanaces of the family There was a time when people were not talking so openly about black money. Many had just been introduced to this new concept and were uncomfortable with it. If forced by circumstances they reluctantly and fearfully adjusted to the black environment.It was done in a hush hush under the table manner, in a shameful, but majboor way.
Now even little kids discuss the black money while building their sand castles on Juhu beach. It has become a part and parcel of our life.Did some one want my opinion on tax reforms and my budget wishlist?Well have they considered the black and white and green bucks? Have they given any thought to the parallel economy, the tax evasions , the rampant corruptionI am so looking forward to this years incentives...

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