Monday, March 17, 2008

the frog and the crocodile

A little tadpole was happily splashing around in the splash pool when she had this sinking feelingIt began at the tip of her tailLo and Behold..Her tail was shrinking in front of her very eyes ! Somebody help me she cried out in terror.
A E I O UCame the reply She looked up to see a hookah smoking caterpillar peering at her. His look is so disgusting thought the tadpole.
I will EAT U . I O U.
I already ate you,
came the reply..
Who R U cried the tadpole.
By now her tail had vanished and so had her fears
For she had grown beautiful legs to replace her akward mermaid tail.
I am the crocodile in the ancient valley of the nile.
But I am not a small fish and not even a stupid fish.I know the jaws of the crocodile said the frog as she hopped out of the splash pool in search of the fat worm .
The caterpillar was nowhere to be found.
Instead there was a little butterfly flashing his wings at her.
Things change said the butterfly in the deep throaty voice of Big B,
You have changed and so have I
Nothing ever remains the same. Dont xpect it to.
The only permanent thing about life is CHANGE
Change change change change
CHANGE they sang and they vanished together into the blue hand in hand

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